Learn About Our School

Admissions Information

The program is open to serious woodworkers of intermediate and advanced ability, and is intended to prepare students for careers as independent designers/crafts workers. Whether or not potential applicants have a professional background or significant experience in woodworking is less important than their objective in applying. We do expect a fair knowledge of machine tools and the woods most common to fine furniture making – as well as patience, an openness toward refinement of methods, and a singleness of purpose aimed at doing one’s best all along the way.

Visiting the School

We encourage prospective students to visit our program to gain a first-hand impression. Please call in advance to arrange an appropriate time. Such visits are for information only and do not improve chances of acceptance, nor are required as part of the application process. You should not feel disadvantaged if you are unable to visit.

International Students

The program has attracted students from all over the world, with often two or three in every class. You will apply to our program directly from our program website https://thekrenovschool.org/ first, and then go through the steps to become a international student at Mendocino College. It involves obtaining a student visa and possibly taking an English language proficiency test. For more information(Visa process and English requirements) please contact Anastasia Simpson-Logg at Admissions and Records at 707-468-3102 or via email at asimpson@mendocino.edu. 

Tuition Costs

The nine month program consists of two semesters of 18 units each (36 total for the year)

All students pay enrollment fees (per unit), a health fee, a student representation fee, and a student center fee. Out-of-state/non-resident/international students pay non-resident tuition fees in addition to enrollment fees. If you have any questions about the total cost, please visit the Mendocino College fees page to ascertain the current fees:  https://www.mendocino.edu/admissions-aid/registration/fees-and-tuition

For the school year 2021-2022 students with California residency paid approximately $845 per semester and non residents paid approximately $5885 per semester. These fees typically go up slightly every year, so be sure to confirm the total cost of enrollment.


Please follow the line on the sidebar 'How to Apply' for application materials and information.

Our nine month program consists of 2 semesters with 18 units each. Non California residents will be required to pay fees in addition to the normal per unit cost. In order to qualify for in-state tuition, you must have resided in California for a least one year prior to attending, and be able to provide the appropriate documentation to prove it.

As of 2023, California residents pay $46/unit or $828/semester for tuition. Non-resdents pay $341/unit, or $6138/semester. In addition to the tuition, a few other fees are added; a Health Fee, a Student Representation Fee, and a Student Center Fee, totaling no more than $20/semester.

As the exact costs change nearly every year, we ask that you go to https://www.mendocino.edu/admissions-aid/registration/fees-and-tuition. for the most accurate and up to date information. If you have any questions regarding cost, please contact the admissions office.  https://www.mendocino.edu/admissions-aid

Financial Aid

General financial aid information is available online: 
 https://www.mendocino.edu/enrollment-services/financial-aid/apply-financial-aid. Further information can also be found in the sidebar.

Dates 2022 - 2023

Each semester runs 17 weeks. 
The Fall semester from Aug 15 – December 9, 2022. 
The Spring semester from January 17 – May 19, 2023. Please refer to the Mendocino College Academic Calendar for additional information. Click here to see that calendar.


The nine month program is considered appropriate for intermediate to advanced woodworkers. To be eligible for the program, applicants must have at least completed and passed WOD-70A and WOD-70B, a cabinetmaking and millwork course, offered during the Summers here at the at The Krenov School in Fort Bragg. An equivalent course can also be substituted for these courses and most applicants choose this option. Equivalency can be woodworking instruction at another institution, or practical experience. If you using other coursework or experience to apply, you will be required to fill out a Prerequisite Course Equivalency Form which will help us determine if you meet the minimum qualifications for our program. This form is included with the application form.