My lifelong love of making things led me to study Product Design at Stanford, where I focused on the intersection of design, culture, and human needs. Prior to arriving at CR, I spent seven years conducting in-home ethnographic interviews in the US and abroad, probing the endless perversity of human nature. I also coached graduate students at the Stanford d.School.
I began woodworking under the auspices of John Sheridan in San Francisco, and later built my own 12’ lapstrake sailboat at the Apprenticeshop in Rockland, Maine, where I learned the craft from a number of resourceful and inspiring boat-builders.
I am grateful to join the unique community of craftspeople at College of the Redwoods, and excited to develop my practice in their delightful company.
Seek not to follow in the footsteps of men of old; seek what they sought. – Basho
Work is happiness only when it takes us to those who also care. – JK